Fresh Tastes

School Fresh Tastes information for families

Narrabundah Early Childhood School is part of the Fresh Tastes program. For the next three years we will continue to build on our school's healthy food and drink environment. Fresh Tastes will support us to achieve this. Students who have a healthy diet are better placed to learn, participate and succeed in school.

You can read more information online at: Fresh Tastes ACT Health website

Fresh Tastes has partnerships with plenty of organisations who share a commitment to improving children's health in Canberra. Some of these partners may work with us to help us achieve our goals.

For the next three years we will deliver one or two of the six Fresh Tastes action areas. The six action areas are:

girl with fruit

This year we have chosen Growing Food for year 1. We have completed an action plan on how we will achieve change in the first year.

An initial Fresh Tastes action group has already been set up. The more people across the school community that help out, the better the results will be. If you would like to get involved please let us know.

The Narrabundah Early Childhood School Fresh Tastes coordinator is Donna Seal and contact details are phone: 61423828 and email:

Phone: (02) 6205 1452


Fresh Tastes ACT Health website -

Fresh Tastes information for families (pdf icon 126KB)

Exciting news

You can now view a 4-minuted online video clip about the Fresh Tastes service and what's on offer to schools. Check it out here: