Early Childhood Education and Care

The following services are run at Narrabundah Early Childhood School (NECS) by Communities at Work:

  • Infant: Birth - 24 months (ratio 1:4) Room size: 12 children max.
  • Toddler:  2 years - 3 years (ratio 1:5) Room size: 15 children max.
  • Preschool: 3 years - 5 years (ratio 1:11) Room size: 22 children max.
  • Before School Care: 4 years - 8 years (ratio 1:11) 22 children max
  • After School Care: 4 years - 8 years (ratio 1:11) 33 children max.

Below is a link the Communities at Work website where you will find more information about the programs available to children and families.

Please call the Communities at Work Manager on (02) 6142 3824 or email on necs@commsatwork.org for more information about enrolments.