Helping at school

The school acknowledges the valuable role of each family and community member in the learning, development and wellbeing of children. We actively promote our vision for productive partnerships and collaboration on a range of educational initiatives. How parents become involved in the education of their children at Narrabundah Early Childhood School (NECS) will depend on what suits the individual family. We encourage family involvement at every opportunity.

It is essential that there is local decision making which is responsive to families and draws on community expertise. All parents are encouraged to maintain close contact with the Principal who is keen to receive feedback, questions or concerns at any time.

There are many ways that you can support children at NECS and engage with school Volunteers have a special place at NECS and assist in many ways:

If you would like to volunteer at the school please talk with the classroom teacher or the Community Coordinator.

To assist schools in providing a safe environment and a positive educational climate, volunteers are asked to comply with the Code of Conduct for Volunteers. This code of conduct has been formulated to clarify the type of conduct that is expected of volunteers when participating in programs and activities in ACT Government schools.

Under Legislation introduced in 2013, volunteers are required to complete a Working with Vulnerable People - Volunteers nomination form. Please download forms below or see Reception if you are interested in working at our School in a volunteer capacity.
